TAPS: Captain John Allison Passes Away at Age 71

John AllisonJohn Allison, passed away on 10 August 2021 after a seven-year battle against multiple myeloma. He was 71 years old. 

Born on 2 November 1949, John graduated from Vanderbilt University and was commissioned as a surface warfare officer through NROTC, subsequently transitioning to the Naval Intelligence community. His naval career included serving as the Third Fleet assistant intelligence officer, CARGRU 7 N2, Joint Staff J2 (Policy), and his final tour as the commanding officer of NMITC. After retiring from the Navy, John joined Northrop Grumman, where he taught an overview of the U.S. intelligence community (IC) to government employees and contractors. He later joined DIA as its director of Human Resources. He was a strong supporter of both NIP and the AFCEA Intelligence Committee throughout his retirement. As his good friend Joe Mazzafro said, “Anyone who knew John is aware of his significant impact on U.S. Intelligence in general and Naval Intelligence in particular. He was the epitome of what a professional colleague should be and somebody you wanted to be your friend.” 

John will be buried at Arlington on Thursday 27 April 2023 at 12:45 p.m.