The National Chapter of the Naval Intelligence Professionals began its 2020 season of “Third Thursday” Socials on January 16th with Rear Admiral (Retired) Paul Becker, Founder of the T3 Group, LLC. In front of a crowd of aspiring, active and retired military and civilian intelligence professionals at Sine’ Irish Pub, Paul Becker gave an inspiring and engaging presentation of the leadership principles of Teamwork, Tone, (and) Tenacity. RADM Becker discussed a leader’s personal attributes underlying each principle: the loyalty required to build trust to engender teamwork; the empathy necessary to create the environment to set the proper tone; and the perseverance with a purpose that defines tenacity. He named innumerable past and present naval intelligence professionals who best exemplified each of the 3T’s and how these individuals always placed improvement of the organization above themselves. The formal session concluded with questions and answers that addressed favorite duties, timelessness of the 3T’s, advice on dealing with toxic environments and the ability of the Navy FITREP to capture the 3Ts.
Many thanks to Paul for taking the time to engage with the NIP crowd.
Please watch here for news of upcoming NIP Third Thursday events in the National Capital Region.