An AFIO intelligence history project by the Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Project Description and Requirements
The Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) is beginning a new educational project entitled “When Intelligence Made a Difference.” AFIO invites anyone to identify events throughout history involving any nation or organization when the outcome was affected significantly by intelligence.
AFIO is soliciting authors and plans to publish edited submissions serially in its print- only member magazine Intelligencer, the Journal of US Intelligence Studies. The publication appears two to three times a year.
If you are interested in contributing an article, please email Briefly state what event you have in mind and include your bio. [AFIO will identify authors by name and current or former title only — no multi-line biographies.] If your suggestion is a good fit for this project, we will respond asking for your comments on that event, not to exceed 1,500 words (excluding footnotes). AFIO uses the Chicago Manual of Style.
IMPORTANT: When you send your article and bio, please let us know if you have ever had prior employment or contract work within the US Intelligence Community- - and, to meet pre-publication review requirements, supply a copy of the official approval letter or email naming the article you are sending us. Without this, we are unable to consider or include your article in the publication.
As with most nonprofit academic publications, contributors will not be paid, however AFIO will publish it under the broad, pro-educational Creative Commons copyright. Therefore, authors retain the right to use their articles anywhere else they wish, after its publication in Intelligencer.
Eight weeks after publication of your contribution in the print-only version of Intelligencer, the article will then appear on AFIO's website for general public/educational access. Since the time of 1) an article's acceptance, and then 2) appearance in print, and then 3) inclusion online can run eighteen months to three years from start-to-finish, a title-author listing of all accepted forthcoming articles (but no summaries) will be included in the printed editions of Intelligencer. So it is imperative authors be patient as these articles are released on this serialized basis, in two or three journal issues per year. By submitting an article authors acknowledge and accept these provisions.
This project would make a good class assignment. Accepted articles would give students a publication credit in a recognized journal.