2017-2018 Scholarship Competition is now open.
Scholarship Application 2017-2018
NIPMates, the National Military Intelligence Foundation also wards scholarships. Pass this along to worthy members of the Naval Intelligence family, since as Chairman Cothron observees,
The National Military Intelligence Foundation (NMIF) is pleased to announce a competition for scholarships to support students pursuing courses of study and formal degrees in intelligence studies and related disciplines. NMIF hopes to award 2 scholarships for full time undergraduate or graduate study each valued at $1, 000, and 2 scholarships valued at $500. Additionally, NMIF will award one scholarship valued at $3000 in honor of LTG James A. Williams, USA (Ret), former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, a Fellow of the Foundation, and a NMIA Lifetime Achievement Awardee. In addition to providing a grant to academic institutions to be applied to the winning applicants’ tuition, each award will be accompanied by a free student membership in the National Military Intelligence Association (NMIA) and an invitation to attend the NMIF/NMIA Awards Banquet to be held on May 21, 2017.
National Military Intelligence Foundation
For additional information, please contact mike_nmia@aol.com