As we prepare for the landfall of Hurricane Matthew down in Florida, there is another force of nature at work.
NIP's own retired Captain Gail Harris is renowned as an author ("A Woman's War"), motivational speaker and columnist for the new Military-themed news network Lima Charlie, a leading source of news impacting the military community. She also does a weekly R& B radio show Wednesday Evenings (6 - 8PM MT) on KDUR, one of two public radio stations in Durango, Colorado.
She continues to spread the word about the traditions of Naval Intelligence, and the amazing changes that came during her active duty service. She also does one of the few (if not only) R&B shows in the Four Corners Region of the West. Her station does two major fund raising drives each year. This Friday begins her Fall Drive. As part of the process, Gail and several other "prominent" community members have been asked to donate an hour of their time to come on the air and encourage friends and family to donate while on the air. She will be on the air this Friday 10:00 - 11:00MT/12:00 - 1:00PM EST. There is a "friendly" competition among those participating to see who can get the most people to call in.
Gail is asking for folks to call in at 970-247-7262 and pledge $5.00. If you can afford to do more, great. KDUR is part of Fort Lewis College. The major advantage is 100% of the money raised goes towards operating costs of the radio station. Below is all of the info on the station. Thanks in advance.
You can listen to the shows live by streaming online. Here's the web site:
About KDUR
Our Mission
KDUR, volunteer-powered community radio, creates a bridge between Fort Lewis College and La Plata County, offering diverse music, alternative news, and local public affairs programming. KDUR provides educational and training opportunities in a professional setting for Fort Lewis College students and community members.
About Our DJ's
KDUR DJ's are the backbone of this organization. Thousands of students and community members have come through KDUR, bringing you the variety of music you've come to love. Some DJ's go onto have careers in radio, but many don't. The just love to play music, learn about new music, and bring the listeners and community new music. Our youngest DJ's are teenagers; our oldest over 60. They are the reason KDUR remains one of the most diverse stations in the nation.
Board of Directors
Douglas DuPont - Student DJ Representative- elected Fall 2016, one year term. BOARD VICE PRESIDENT Dave Kerns - FLC Staff Representative, re-elected Fall 2016, two year term.
Tony Holmquist - FLC Faculty Representative, re-elected Fall 2016 , two year term.
Gail Harris - Community Representative, re-elected Fall 2016, two year term.
Erin Benson- FLC Alumni Representative Since Fall 2016, two year term. BOARD PRESIDENT Carson Jones - Community Representative Since Fall 2011, re-elected Fall 2015, two year term.
Bryant Liggett - KDUR Station Manager, non voting member, no terms.
Michele Malach - Associate Professor of English Communications, Fort Lewis College, KDUR Advisor Representative, no terms.
Mark Mastalski - Director of the Terry Bacon Leadership Center at Fort Lewis College, non voting member, no terms.
Avery Martinez - ASFLC Representative, one year term. Re-elected Fall 2016. BOARD SECRETARY Carter Solomon - Non Student DJ Representative- elected Fall 2016, one year term.
Stream the show! Let's put Gail over the top!