Keep your eyes on our Event Page as we continuously update details for the 2016 Fall Season.
There is a dynamic set of social and professional events coming up - mark your calendars!
Thursday, 15 September, 6:00PM.
NIP Third Thursday networking event at Sonoma Cellars in Old Town.
Friday, 16 September 2016
NIP Foundation Golf Tournament, Andrews Air Force Base, South Course. Shotgun start begins at 9:30AM.
Monday, September 2016, 6:30 PM.
Storm Over Leyte: The destruction of the Imperial Japanese Navy. An International Joint Spy Museum-NIP lecture sponsored by NIP and the Museum by renowned Naval historian John Prados.
Thursday, 20 October, 6:00PM.
NIP Third Thursday networking event at Sonoma Cellars in Old Town.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Naval Intelligence Dining In, 1800-2200 Fort Myer Officers' Club 214 Jackson Ave Fort Myer, VA 22211
Friday, October 28, 2016
NIP Annual General Membership and Fall Luncheon. Army-Navy Country Club, Arlington, VA.