Cyber JIOC’s recent assumption ceremony entailed a fully joint passing of the command guidon between outgoing Commander, Col Andy Moyer (USMC), USCYBERCOM J2, Brig Gen Mary O’Brien (USAF), incoming Commander, CAPT Mike Studeman (USN), and Senior Enlisted Leader, SFC Reeves (USA).
Captain Mike Studeman assumed command of US CYBERCOM’s Joint Intelligence Operations Center at Ft Meade, MD on 19 Jul. Captain Studeman is taking over at a critical time in USCYBERCOM’s evolution. The President is considering splitting the USCYBERCOM/NSA dual hat arrangement and elevating USCYBERCOM from a sub-unified command under USSTRATCOM to combatant command status. NSA is also about to undertake a major restructuring under Admiral Rogers’s NSA21 plan. Meanwhile the command continues to build out Cyber Mission Forces, support major plans and operations, and confront ever more serious cybersecurity challenges and opportunities.
Captain Studeman recently earned a Masters of Science in National Security Strategy from the National War College, graduating with distinction. He also earned the National Military Intelligence Association Sherman Kent Award. His last assignment was Special Assistant to CNO and Director, Strategic Actions Group (N00Z).