Rear Admiral P. Gardner Howe, III
U.S. Naval War College
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced that President Obama has nominated RADM Philip G. Howe for appointment to the rank of vice admiral, and for assignment as Associate Director for Military Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency, McLean, Virginia.
Howe is currently serving as president, Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island. He is a native of Jacksonville, Florida. He was commissioned in 1984 following his graduation from the United States Naval Academy. He graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School in 1995 with a master of arts in national security affairs (special operations / low-intensity conflict), and from the National War College in 2002 with a master of arts in national security. Howe's operational assignments have included a full range of duties in the Naval Special Warfare and Joint Special Operations communities. He commanded Naval Special Warfare Unit 3 in Bahrain, Naval Special Warfare Group 3 in San Diego, California, and Special Operations Command, Pacific in Hawaii. His service overseas includes multiple deployments to the western Pacific and Southwest Asia, and participation in Operations Earnest Will, Provide Promise, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
Howe was the 55th President of the U.S. Naval War College.
His key joint and staff assignments include current operations officer at Special Operations Command, Pacific; chief staff officer, Naval Special Warfare Development Group; assistant chief of staff for Operations, Plans and Policy at Naval Special Warfare Command; director of Legislative Affairs for U.S. Special Operations Command and assistant commanding officer, Joint Special Operations Command.