AFCEA Seeks a VP for Intelligence


This position description is looking for a replacement to the redoubtable Steve Ritchie, who is going to retire (again) after growing the intelligence section of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. As NIP Chairman Emeritus Jake Jacoby notes: “My mental image of the ideal candidate is someone who has in-depth understanding of the IC, has operated at senior policy levels (or directly supported policy development as an Executive Assistant or civilian equivalent), has poise and ability to interface with seniors in Government and Industry, is willing to roll up sleeves to ensure mission and event success, and is self-assured enough to be an independent actor as required. Someone who recently retired from Government and still has contacts, or someone who has maintained those types of contacts within Industry, would go a long way toward furthering the AFCEA Intel effort.  A subtle blend of forcefulness to be an effective advocate, plus the skills of a diplomat, is an added attraction.

The cut off for applications is July 26, 2016.  Applications should be submitted to The target start date is October 1, 2016.

If you have anyone in mind who fits this description, please encourage them to apply.

Jake is available to speak with anyone who is looking for more information on this exciting opportunity. 
Download Position Description Here.

- Ed