Hawaii Chapter News

Dec 16, 2024

NIP Hawaii Chapter Participates in Wreaths across America Event in Hawaii

NIP’s Hawaii Chapter volunteered at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific on the early morning of 14 December.
Aug 14, 2023

NIP Hawaii Welcomes INDOPACOM JIOC Commander to the Island

NIP’s Hawaii chapter welcomed Captain Jamie Fraser-Loria to Oahu with a social event at Captain Jeff Buschmann’s home on 11 August. Captain Fraser-Loria joined the Hawaii team as the commanding officer of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Joint Intelligence Operations Command (JIOC) on 22 August.
Mar 22, 2023

NIP Hawaii Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day Together

The Hawaii chapter celebrated St. Patrick’s Day together at the home of CAPT Jeff Buschmann on 17 March 2023. Around 50 people attended, to include RDML Tom Henderschedt and RADM Mike Vernazza. All appreciated the lovely hospitality from Nicole Buschmann. It was a great opportunity to bring everyone together and generate interest for increased participation in NIP.
Mar 03, 2017

Hawaii Chapter Update

Operating Procedures have been drafted and are being reviewed by the Executive Board at this time, and are working to establish a 501(c)(3). LT Bridges is building an active and engaging social calendar to make the Aloha chapter the exciting place to be in Honolulu! Join today! Mahalo!
Jun 23, 2016

NIP Hawaii Welcomes RADM Paul Becker With Spirit of Aloha

Chapter commemorates 74th Anniversary of Battle of Midway at Hickam Officer’s Club at Pearl Harbor