
July Virtual Speaker Series

July 18, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

TOPIC:  Office of Naval Intelligence and NAVINTEL Community Update


RADM Mike Brookes
Commanding Officer, ONI

RADM Mike Brookes

Guest Speaker's Background

Rear Adm. Mike Brookes assumed command of the Office of Naval Intelligence and became the Director of the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office in July 2023. 

Brookes is the son of a career naval officer and a 1987 graduate of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He also holds a Master of Arts in National Security Affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Brookes attended Navy Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island, and was commissioned in March 1989.

Brookes’ operational tours include imagery intelligence officer for the Checkmates of Fighter Squadron (VF) 211, embarked aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68); assistant intelligence officer (N21) for Cruiser-Destroyer Group One, embarked aboard USS Constellation (CV 64); assistant chief of staff for intelligence (N2) for Carrier Strike Group 7, embarked aboard USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76); deputy director of intelligence (DJ2) for Joint Special Operations Command, where he deployed to Bagram, Afghanistan, as director of intelligence (J2) for a joint special operations task force; and information warfare commander for Carrier Strike Group One, embarked aboard USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70).

Ashore, Brookes served as international programs officer for N2 Directorate, U.S. Pacific Fleet; officer in charge, Maritime Watch, Joint Forces Intelligence Command; intelligence operations and plans officer, Naval Special Warfare Command, where he augmented a joint special operations task force in Kabul, Afghanistan, deputy director of intelligence (DDI), National Joint Operations Intelligence Center (NJOIC) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and deputy commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet.

Brookes commanded the Joint Intelligence Center Central, U.S. Central Command, Tampa, Florida, and the Kennedy Irregular Warfare Center, Suitland, Maryland. He also served as the director of intelligence (J2), U.S. Strategic Command and as the director of intelligence, J2, U.S. Southern Command.  

His decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal among other personal, campaign, unit, and service awards.


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  • (5 min) Bob Sharp, VADM (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update
  • (~25 min) Guest Speaker Remarks
  • (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: