Chair Update - June 2024

Greetings colleagues and friends!

I hope you all enjoyed the spring and are prepared to spend the summer season with family, friends, and shipmates, perhaps taking some time to vacation and explore our beautiful planet a bit. I also hope you’re all prepared to weather the extreme temperatures forecast across many areas over the next week. Summer is announcing its presence with a roar! As such, please make sure you’re hydrating and taking time to care for yourselves and others. There’s nothing more important to us than our people.

As you’ll notice from this newsletter, the Naval Intelligence Professionals have been continuing our journey on course and on pace. We continue to make progress in all our focus areas. Here are a few updates on some key initiatives I want to ensure you’re tracking:  

As always, in closing, we want to take time to thank all our Naval Intelligence Professionals who continue to serve our nation and are “standing the watch” around the clock and around the globe. We remain truly grateful for all the sacrifices you and your families make on a recurring basis. Many in our nation have no idea who you are or what you do, but we do. It’s special and necessary, and on behalf of everyone, we thank you.

Be well, and God’s Speed!

Best, Bob

NIP Chair