Your NIP and leadership team have had a very busy year and we are working hard toward making 2023 even better. As we continue to emerge from the disruptions from COVID, I am very hopeful and confident that together we will accomplish great things, not just for our community, but also for the Navy and the nation. With our national leadership focused more than ever on strategic competition in every domain, the Navy is front and center, and we in the NIP are a key part of that.
It is in that light that I ask you to think of NIP when planning your charitable contributions at year’s end and into the New Year. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to ensure we can accomplish our goals for 2023 and continue to foster the development of our rising generation of young leaders. We do what no other organization can or do, and your help is extremely meaningful!
I’d like to highlight some of our programs that are central to what the NIP is and does, and what your contributions enable.
Our academic scholarships and awards for military and civilian personnel, and the NIP/U.S. Naval Institute essay contest both spurs current and future members of our community to think deeply about linkages between national security, the Navy, and Naval Intelligence, while delivering unique keen insights to our leadership.
The NIP’s flagship publication, the READBOOK, has far exceeded our expectations, evolving into a truly professional product with content and engagement in ways that nothing else can quite do. To sustain this level of quality, the NIP Board has enthusiastically decided to significantly increase the resources we provide to the READBOOK, which is money very well spent. As a reminder, if you have not gotten your copy or gained access on our website, please let our editor know (
Looking back on our activities in 2022, our annual luncheon at the Army Navy Country Club on 28 October was a resounding success, as always. VADM Kelly Aeschbach, Commander Naval Information Forces, provided remarks on the state of our community. Our regular virtual conference calls with naval and joint intelligence leaders continued throughout the year, with a very robust and diverse audience. Our regional NIP chapters continue their outreach efforts supporting Naval Intelligence community personnel in concentration areas in CONUS and Hawaii. We continue planning for the 150th anniversary of Naval Intelligence: Project 2032, and again will be supporting a range of scholarships and grants for our rising generation of leaders.
As you all know the past couple of years have been a challenging environment for our financial investments, but we’ve ridden pretty steadily despite some ups and downs. We are in very solid shape, but now is the time to ensure we are fully resourced for our many commitments ahead.
Please consider donating and make it a tradition going forward. Every contribution matters, no matter the size, and will be recognized in the READBOOK. You can transfer funds in two ways:
Naval Intelligence Professionals, P.O. Box 11579, Burke, VA 22009-1579
Thank you, as always, for your generosity and continued support!