Chairman’s Update - December 2020

Your new NIP Board of Directors held its first meeting this past weekend and, as always, I am so proud to see the enthusiasm, energy and love for the unique work and the amazing people who carry out the demanding mission of Naval Intelligence. We again have a great team and focused on how we can enhance, expand and increase our support to our members and the NIP mission in 2021. 

I do need to remind you of the importance of end-of-year giving to NIP – especially this year. We need your support.

Despite severe COVID-related constraints on normal methods of revenue generation, our Board of Directors remains committed to funding programs that define our association – programs like academic scholarships and awards for military and civilian personnel, as well as the NIP/U.S. Naval Institute essay contest that presents intelligence-focused issues before the nation’s decision-makers and influencers.

And, we are not standing still, even during COVID!  The first edition of NIP’s new publication, The READBOOK, was released to rave reviews in October.  If you have not gotten your copy or gained access on our website, please let our editor know ( We hope this product facilitates a robust exchange of ideas and links current and past naval intelligence professionals.  Our socially-distanced luncheon at Army Navy Country Club on 16 October included nearly 100 conference call attendees.  VADM Jeffrey Trussler, USN, Director of Naval Intelligence (N2/N6) and RADM Kelly Aeschbach attended our small luncheon and addressed the virtual group and answered questions.  Scott Bray, Deputy DNI, also provided comments.  In 2021 we will continue our popular “Third Thursday” virtual conference calls with naval and joint intelligence leaders.  Finally, we continue planning for the 150th anniversary of Naval Intelligence: Project 2032 and we'll have some very interesting historical articles from an outstanding author by next spring. 

All this reflects the association’s firm commitment to supporting the Navy’s military and civilian intelligence cadre and legacy.  But, it is not free.  As I said during the October luncheon, thank you to all who donated to our mid-year appeal.  I wish that were enough, but the current restrictions on revenue generation (at least) during the first part of 2021 mean we are even more dependent on your personal donations.  

If you have not given to NIP before, please consider donating and make it a tradition going forward.  Every contribution matters, no matter the size, and will be recognized in The READBOOK.  Rest assured that we will put funds to good use based on sound, inclusive leadership and exceptionally low administrative costs.  You can transfer funds in two ways:

NIP sustains the legacy of Naval Intelligence, supports its current efforts, and builds for the future.  Thank you in advance for your generosity and continued support!

On behalf of your NIP Leadership Team, Happy Holidays to all and best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2021.  God Bless!

Tony L. Cothron, RDML, USN (Ret.)
Chairman and CEO, Naval Intelligence Professionals