NIP Capital Chapter Joins Team RWB for 5K and Taco Tuesday

On 4 Jun, NIP’s Capital Chapter tried something a bit different for its monthly social. We decided to join Team RWB for their weekly 5K run/walk in Old Town Alexandria, followed by social time at the American Legion Post 24 for Taco Tuesday. Six of us participated in the 5K, with the rest joining at the American Legion afterwards for beers and tacos. We had a good representation from both our younger junior officers and older folks, Marines and Navy. Next time, we may need to check out “Wingman Wednesday” or “Trivia Thursday” at the Post. Stay tuned for our next event!

NIP Capital Chapter Social/Taco Tuesday at American Legion Post 24, 4 June 2024
Team RWB (with a few NIP members) gathers at the town square in Old Town before the weekly 5K, 4 June 2024
NIP Chair VADM (Ret) Bob Sharp, CAPT (Ret) Drew Corey, CAPT (Ret) Bob Allen, Aaron Tooke