Naval Intelligence Awards Program

The Naval Intelligence Awards program recognizes Active and Reserve Component naval intelligence officers, intelligence specialists, and civilian intelligence professionals in various categories for outstanding performance.

Award Guidance


On 22 March 2024, ONI celebrated its 142nd anniversary and presented its annual awards to deserving sailors and civilians. NIP Chair VADM (Ret) Bob Sharp was there to present the NIP-sponsored awards.  

All ONI awardees, along with NIP Chair VADM (Ret) Bob Sharp (far left), COMONI RADM Michael Brookes (3rd from left) and Dep COMONI Mr. Andrew Richardson (far right)
VADM (Ret) Bob Sharp presents SOY (Sea) award to STS1 Marco Estrada.
VADM (Ret) Bob Sharp presents SOY (Shore) award to CTT1 Nichole Garfolo.
VADM (Ret) Bob Sharp presents Blue Jacket of the Year (Shore) to CTT2 Victoria Ralph.
RADM Michael Brookes introduces VADM (Ret) Bob Sharp.
RADM Thomas A. Brooks Junior Officer of the Year

The award recognizes junior officers for their leadership, performance, special accomplishments, and overall contribution to command efficiency, morale and welfare.

Herman Dworkin for Maritime Analytic Excellence

The Herman Dworkin award is presented annually to the civilian or military analyst working maritime issues who exemplifies, through his/her work and attitude, Mr. Dworkin's traits of analytic expertise, strength of character, initiative, industriousness and exactitude.

Rear Admiral Edwin T. Layton Leadership

The Rear Admiral Edwin T. Layton Leadership Award* recognizes outstanding leadership and mentorship in the furtherance of naval intelligence performance.

*This award is not sponsored by NIP.

NIF Navy League for Exceptional Leadership

The Chief of Naval Operations Naval Intelligence Foundation (NIF) Navy League Award for Exceptional Leadership is presented annually to recognize leadership in providing excellence in operational intelligence support to the Fleet.

CDR Dan F. Shanower Intelligence Specialist of the Year

The award recognizes leadership, performance of duty, special accomplishments, and overall contribution to command efficiency, morale, and welfare of the command to which the individual is assigned.

VADM Rufus L. Taylor Award for Leadership

The VADM Rufus L. Taylor Award* was established in 1985 to recognize leadership from deserving personnel who exemplify excellence and exceptional dedication to duty within the Naval Intelligence Community.   

*This award is not sponsored by NIP.

VADM Rufus L. Taylor Award for Excellence in Intelligence Instruction

The award recognizes excellence in naval intelligence instruction and is given annually to one Navy or Marine Corps instructor, faculty, or staff at the Center for Information Warfare Unit Hampton Roads and the Center for Information Warfare Unit San Diego.

National Intelligence University Ann Caracristi

The National Defense Intelligence College (NDIC) Ann Caracristi award was established in 2002 to recognize postgraduate academic excellence in the field of intelligence at the NDIC.

ADM B.R.Inman Naval Post Graduate School

The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) ADM B.R. Inman Award is presented annually to a U.S. Sea Service officer attending NPS in recognition of that student's outstanding contribution to the field of maritime intelligence.

ADM Ike Kidd Naval War College

The Naval War College ADM Ike Kidd Award was established in 1996 to recognize that in-residence student at the Naval War College whose professional essay is considered to have made the most significant contribution to maritime intelligence support within a joint force operational context.

ADM Robert L. J. Long

The US Naval Academy ADM Robert L. J. Long, USN Award was established in 1997 to recognize that graduating Midshipman who achieved the highest level of academic achievement in the USNA Honors Program.

RADM Donald M. Showers NIOBC

The recipients of this award are the Honor Graduates of each Naval Intelligence Officer Basic Course (NIOBC).

LCDR John G. Tilson Navy Reserve Intelligence Analyst of the Year

The award recognizes outstanding intelligence analysis performed during reserve drills, Annual Training (AT), Active Duty for Training (ADT), or Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW).

CAPT Sidney E. Wood ONI Junior Officer of the Year

The award is presented annually to that Junior Officer serving at the ONI who has served with distinction as demonstrated by leadership, performance, special accomplishments, and overall contribution to command efficiency, morale, and welfare.

Office of Naval Intelligence Civilian Leadership

The award recognizes civilian employees of ONI for their leadership, performance, special accomplishments, and overall contribution to command efficiency, morale and welfare.

NIP Capital Chapter ONI Sailors of the Year

The NIP Capitol Chapter, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) Sailors of the Year Award was established in 1995 to recognize exemplary performance, devotion to duty, professionalism, technical competence and leadership of sailors serving at ONI.

C School Outstanding Graduate

The award recognizes the Outstanding Graduate of each IS "C" School graduating class and all USN or USNR students attending IS "C" School are eligible for the award.